With the exception of your home, the chances are that your car is the most expensive thing you own. And it’s because of their value that cars are so often a target of theft.
In late 2017 the RAC released figures showing that vehicle thefts had risen by 30% in just three years, and while this is worrying for car owners, the good news is there are things you can do to improve your car security.
Here are some car theft prevention tips to help keep your pride and joy safe:
Garage it
If you have a garage, use it. This might mean having a big clear out to make room for your car, but it’s worth it. After all, what’s out of sight is out of mind. With your car parked in the garage, you also reduce the risk of vandalism – and you may even pay less for your car insurance too.
Park where the light is
If you park your car on the street, choose a spot where it has the best chance of being seen. Parking under street lights is a great car security tip as the fear of being spotted is a huge deterrent for many car thieves.
Don’t leave valuables on display
It might sound like common sense, but leaving valuables on display – even just a pair of sunglasses or a handful of coins in the storage tray – adds to the temptation for passing opportunists. Hide all valuables away to reduce the chances of your car being targeted.
Add another layer of security
Regardless of whether you’re able to park your car in a garage, or it’s out on the driveway or street, using a steering wheel or gear stick lock adds another layer of security, and piece of mind for you.
Keep track of your keys
The car security features on modern vehicles are so good that the easiest way for them to be stolen is with the keys. With this in mind, a great way to prevent car theft at home is to keep your keys safe. Don’t leave them near open windows, or within distance of the letterbox; it’s been known for committed criminals to ‘fish’ through the letterbox for keys using a stick or a long piece of wire.
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