YouGov’s Smart Homes 2018 report says a quarter of Britons now own one or more smart home devices, with one in ten owning two or more*.
But the age of those taking it up may surprise you. Long gone are the days where tech was just for teens. Older adults are buying smartphones and tablets in record numbers, with a quarter of over-75s now using tablet computers**. And 55-64 year olds being the most likely age group to buy a connected appliance once their current device needs replacing***.
Still, one of the biggest barriers to more older adults embracing smart tech is education. So, here’s our list of useful ADT Smart Home innovations, what they are and how they can make your life easier:
Motion detection
This feature works with your cameras by detecting if there’s any movement on your property, reporting it to you, then starting recording.
You can set up your app to send you a notification as soon movement is detected on your property. Then you can watch live to see if it’s a burglar, or just a neighbour popping by for a cuppa.
Smart cameras
With ADT Smart Home, when one of your indoor or outdoor cameras is activated, the footage is streamed directly to your phone and stored in the cloud. So, you can watch it back later, then show the police and insurance if you catch an intruder in the act.
Smart lighting
This is a feature on our app. It lets you turn your lights on and off in your home, wherever you are, using smart plugs. It means you can look like you’re home, even when you’re away.
You can do this manually if you spot an intruder and scare them off, or you can set lights up on a timer - so they go on and off at the same time each night.
Remote alarm reset
Another great app feature is the ability to set your alarm no matter where you are. No more wondering ‘Did I set it this morning?’, simply open your app while you’re on the go and select to ‘set’ or ‘unset’ it.
This is also great if one of your children or neighbours sets off your home alarm by accident.
Video Doorbell
Our latest smart home innovation. A burglar will often ring a doorbell before they attempt to force entry to see if anyone’s home.
Our video doorbell alerts you via the app if anyone rings the bell while you’re out, you can then use the camera to check who’s at the door and even chat to them via the speaker and let them know you can see what’s going on.
Don’t forget too, your Smart Home system is always monitored, so if something went wrong with the technology the experts at ADT will help to keep your home secure until you’re back online.
** https://www.ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/latest/media/media-releases/2017/rise-social-seniors
*** https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/uk/Documents/consumer-business/deloitte-uk-consumer-review-16.pdf
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