Help & support

ADT Smart Services

I would like additional devices for my alarm. Who do I contact to arrange this?

In order to supply additional devices and make sure they are compatible with your current system you may need a short consultation with one of our office based security experts. This is to ensure that the equipment is suitable and provides the right protection for you.

To order additional equipment or speak to one of our experts, please contact 01-6205800 or click here to complete our web form.

I would like additional devices for my alarm. How much will this cost me?

As each home is different; we need to review your existing equipment and ensure that you remain protected around the clock. For a quote on any devices, call 01-6205800 or click here to complete our web form.

An ADT Home Protection Consultant will be happy to come to your home and recommend the perfect security solution based on your property and circumstances.

To arrange a visit just call 0800 144 4499